Weekly: Slovak Managers Can Do It

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Slovenské elektrárne Mochovce
Generálny riaditeľ Slovenských elektrární Branislav Strýček (druhý zľava). SITA

He clearly stated that he does not want to end up in prison due to Mochovce project.

The new head of Slovenske Elektrarne said aloud that if the company wants to stay alive, it must complete Mochovce nuclear power plant. Slovak manager Branislav Strycek took over the management in the biggest Slovak electricity producer in Slovakia, Slovenske Elektrarne, in July 2018. He was in this post for less than two months and we learned about the Mochovce project more than in the past five years. Last week, the head of Slovenske Elektrarne did not fear to stand in front of the journalists and respond to all, even snide questions on the completion of nuclear units. He clearly stated that he does not want to end up in prison due to Mochovce project. He rejected the statements of the opposition on almost obligatory money siphoning and the plan to prolong the completion as long as possible and to increase the budget as much as possible so that the companies with ties to the ruling government can fill their pockets. He said aloud that if Slovenske Elektrarne wants to stay alive, it must complete Mochovce nuclear power plant as soon as possible.

We have not seen such openness before from any Italian managers who led the dominant electricity producer when it was owned by the Italian Group Enel. A Slovak manager had to come to show them how to inform on such a big and important investment like Mochovce undoubtedly is. This proves that we may find skilled managers also in Slovakia. The mantra that foreign managers can certainly do it better fell apart with the arrival of the new Slovak General Director. Experts must be sought in the fields, not in political circles.

Let’s hope that Slovak manager in one of the biggest companies in Slovakia will remain open and direct also if any possible complications arise during the completion of nuclear units. Even the biggest critics and nuclear wise guys must admit that complications may simply occur in case of such an investment. If Slovak General Director of Slovenske Elektrarne maintains the present course, he will avoid speculations, create good environment for real work at Mochovce units, inform the public adequately, then he will take the wind out of opposition “energy experts’“ sails.

The author is the editor in chief of the portal vEnergetike.sk.

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Firmy a inštitúcie SE Slovenské elektrárne