Slovenske Elektrarne finished trial operation in Novaky

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Elektráreň Nováky
Areál závodu Elektrárne Nováky. Zdroj:

Emissions measures and flue gas monitoring will be used for a detailed analysis on investments and operating costs.

Testing operation of the third unit at Novaky power plant is now history. Slovenske Elektrarne terminated the trial operation on Tuesday in line with the schedule approved last November. „Conducted emission measurements and flue gas monitoring will serve as a basis for a detailed analysis of investment and operating costs to review the possibility of establishing the so-called alternative combustion unit that could be used in the event of a failure or shutdown of the first and second blocks,“ Slovenske Elektrarne informed. The Slovak dominant power producer is aware of the fact that potential establishment of an alternative combustion unit will be conditioned upon approvals from respective environmental authorities and meeting emission limits.

Full story in Slovak: Elektrárne ukončili testovaciu prevádzku na treťom bloku tepelnej elektrárne v Novákoch

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Firmy a inštitúcie SE Slovenské elektrárne