HUDAK: Memorandum on sale of SE will be legally binding

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Vazil Hudák
Minister hospodárstva SR Vazil Hudák

Economy Minister Vazil Hudak revealed in the first part of the interview for the portal the current position of the state in the sale of Slovenske Elektrarne and what the state wants to achieve in this process.

What is the current position of the state in the sale of Enel’s 66-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne? It was said that a memorandum had been signed. Is it still actual? Our priority is to complete two nuclear blocks in Mochovce and strengthen state’s position as much as possible. Enel wants to sell the part of its stake in Slovenske Elektrarne. The multinational corporation intends to shift its focus onto other areas and remove Slovenske Elektrarne from its accounting. It was announced that Enel is in talks with EPH on the possibility to sell the part of the shares. We naturally observe this process. We want to ensure some rights that should not be affected by transactions between Enel and EPH. One of those rights is to have an option to increase the state’s share to over 50%. This means that we would have to purchase at least 17% of the shares from Enel. Currently we are negotiating with Enel on a deal which would give us this option. We are also trying to strengthen shareholders’ rights and we also want to obtain a very clear commitment from Enel that the company will remain responsible for the completion of Mochovce even after selling the part of its stake in Slovenske Elektrarne.

Interview with Economy Minister Vazil Hudak in Slovak: HUDÁK: Memorandum o predaji elektrární bude právne záväzné

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