Two Slovak MEPs did not sign declaration against Nord Stream 2

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EP Európsky parlament
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The declaration which MEPs could have signed between March 7 and June 7 writes that this project will undermine Ukraine’s status as a transit country which will have dramatic geopolitical consequences.

Not all Slovak MEPs have signed the written declaration against the gas pipeline Nord Stream 2. The aim of this declaration was not to back this project by the European Commission. The declaration which MEPs could have signed between March 7 and June 7 writes that this project will undermine Ukraine’s status as a transit country, lead to dramatic geopolitical consequences, increase Russia’s influence on energy dependency due to its political influence. According to the information available to the news agency SITA, this written declaration was not signed by two Slovak MEPs, Richard Sulík (SaS) and Monika Flasikova Benova (Smer-SD). The name of Branislav Skripek (OLaNO) was also originally missing on the list, but he says that it was only an administrative mistake and he has signed the declaration.

Full story in Slovak: Dvaja naši europoslanci nepodpísali deklaráciu proti Nord Stream 2

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