The government says that the sale of SE was not alright

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Fico Róbert
Ilustračné foto SITA

The current government led by Robert Fico is criticizing the stance of the government led by Mikulas Dzurinda which changed its decision on the sale of Slovenske Elektrarne. Initially, the government planned to sell only a 49-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne instead of 66 percent.

The privatization of Slovenske Elektrarne (SE) by the second government of Mikulas Dzurinda was allegedly in discrepancy with the attitude of the Slovak Constitutional Court, the report on the privatization of Slovenske Elektrarne submitted by Prime Robert Fico to the Parliament writes. In the report on the privatization of SE, requested from the government by the Parliament under the proposal of MP Mikulas Dzurinda, the current government is criticising then cabinet led by Dzurinda particularly for changing its attitude towards the entire privatization process. Initially, the government planned to sell only a 49-percent stake in Slovenske Elektarne. However, later it was raised to 66 percent.

Full story in Slovak:Bol predaj elektrární v poriadku? Vláda tvrdí, že nie.

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