State not to see any dividends from SE for more years

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Economy Minister Peter Ziga will try to shorten the delay of Mochovce NPP completion as well as to reduce the budget increase at the meeting with a majority shareholder of Slovenske Elektrarne.

The state, a 34-percent shareholder of the company Slovenske Elektrarne will not receive any dividends from the performance of the Slovak dominant electricity producer for more years to come, Economy Minister Peter Ziga says. “I expect the state will receive some dividends within ten years,“ Peter Ziga said on Tuesday, adding that the loans for the completion of Mochovce NPP must be repaid first. The state has not been receiving any dividends from Slovenske Elektrarne due to the completion of the third and fourth nuclear unit in Mochovce since 2008. Slovenske Elektrarne informed on Monday that the third nuclear unit could be launched in early 2020 instead of end of this year. Slovenske Elektrarne also admitted an increase in the budget from 5.4 billion euros to 5.67 billion euros. The economy ministry wants to discuss with the majority shareholder of Slovenske Elektrarne, the company Power Holding B.V. (66-percent share) whether the delay in Mochovce NPP project and the increase in the budget are legitimate.

Full story in Slovak: Dividendy zo Slovenských elektrární neuvidí štát ešte ďalšie roky

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