State keeps hands away from Ipel power plant project

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Vodná elektráreň elektrina priehrada
Ilustračné foto SITA/AP

According to the economy ministry, the construction of the Ipel Pumped Storage Power Plant will depend on the development on the international electricity market and strategic investor’s decision.

The decision on the construction of the Ipel Pumped Storage Power Plant rests with the private investor, but the state. „The implementation of the project will depend on the development on the international electricity market as well as the decision of the strategic investor that will participate in the project,“ the economy ministry stated in its regular annual report on the security of electricity supplies. Bratislava-based company Hyco planned to build the power plant Ipel two years ago. The project of the hydroelectric power plant with a weekly pumping cycle was announced several times. The ministry considers this long-planned electricity source significant, particularly thanks to its great potential in providing support services. The ministry assumes that if the strategic investor shows an interest in this project, the power plant’s launch would be needed after the year 2030.

Full story in Slovak: Štát dáva od veľkej vodnej elektrárne Ipeľ nateraz ruky preč

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