Smooth gas deliveries from Russia across Ukraine

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Plyn plynovod eustream
Areál kompresorovej stanice Veľké Kapušany. SITA

The company Eustream did not record any disruptions with gas deliveries from Russia across Ukraine during holidays or over the first days of the year 2019.

Transport of natural gas from Russia across Ukraine to Slovakia and further to Western Europe was smooth during Christmas and New Year holidays. „Just like over the whole of 2018, also during the Christmas holidays, the transit of natural gas reported no problems. Deliveries of Russian natural gas in the direction from Ukraine continue reliably also in the year 2019. Transport at the entry point of Velke Kapusany currently exceeds 150 million cubic meters per day. All other interconnections, including the reverse flow to Ukraine, are fully functional,“ Pavol Kubik, a spokesman for the Slovak gas carrier, Eustream, informed the portal

Full story in Slovak: Počas sviatkov prúdil plyn na Slovensko bez problémov

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