Slovenske Elektrarne given more time for objections to audit

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NKÚ Karol Mitrík
Nový predseda Najvyššieho kontrolného úradu SR Karol Mitrík počas slávnostného aktu odovzdania dekrétu novému predsedovi NKÚ. Bratislava, 21. máj 2015. SITA

MPs could discuss the results of the audit carried out by the Supreme Audit Office at Slovenske Elektrarne in autumn this year earliest.

As it has been known for a longer time, the Supreme Audit Office (NKU) carried out an audit at the power utility Slovenske Elekrarne requested by the Slovak Parliament. The results of this audit are being awaited. The date when the Parliament and the public will be informed about the findings of the inspectors is being postponed again. Initially, the Supreme Audit Court was expected to submit the protocol on the results of the audit to the Parliament at the end of May. Due to necessity of concluding an agreement on classified facts, the date was postponed to the end of June, respectively, beginning of July. Today, it is clear that even this deadline is not realistic. Slovenske Elektrarne asked for more time to comment on the results of the audit. NKU has granted the request.

Full story in Slovak:Elektrárne dostali viac času na námietky voči kontrole NKÚ

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Firmy a inštitúcie NKÚ Najvyšší kontrolný úradNR SR Národná rada Slovenskej republikySE Slovenské elektrárne