RWE stays in Slovakia. It will not bid for SE

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Ilustračné foto. SITA/AP

German giant intends to continue focusing only on energy sales and electricity distribution on the Slovak market.

The sale of a majority stake in the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne is culminating. Italian company Enel, which put its 66 percent stake in a dominant electricity producer Slovenske Elektrarne up for sale would like to have binding bids on the table until May 9. One large European energy group will not participate in this tender for the sale of Slovenske Elektrarne’s shares where the state is a 34 percent shareholder that tries to cancel respectively hinder this sale. We refer to the German company RWE which does not plan to submit its bid to the Italians. „We do not plan to submit a bid for Slovenske Elektrarne. We plan to focus mainly on electricity distribution and energy sale,“ the head of strategic planning at RWE Group, Susanne Rompel, stated.

Full story in Slovak: RWE zostáva na Slovensku. O Slovenské elektrárne nezabojuje.

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