Nuclear fuel loading at Mochovce NPP possibly this summer

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SE atómová elektráreň Mochovce
Dispečing Slovenských elektrárni počas oživenia riadiaceho centra tretieho bloku Atómových elektrární Mochovce. SITA

The third unit at the Mochovce NPP has successfully passed hot hydro-test.

The third unit of the Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant will be technically ready for fuel loading this summer, Slovenske Elektrarne informed the news agency SITA. “In mid-March, we finished a hot hydro-test at the third Mochovce nuclear unit, one of the last milestones before the completion of the construction. A major audit is currently underway and we expect the third unit to be technically ready for fuel loading this summer,” said Miroslav Sarissky, a spokesman for Slovenske Elektrarne. However, Slovakia’s dominant electricity producer admitted a possible shift in the date of putting the third unit into commercial operation, mainly amid the present activities of Austrian anti-nuclear organizations.

Full story in Slovak: V lete by mohli do tretieho bloku zavážať jadrové palivo

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