No prosecution in audit at Slovenske Elektrarne

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Pohľad na areál Atómovej elektrárne Mochovce SITA

The Prosecutor of the Special Prosecutor’s Office and investigator are evaluating the protocol of the Supreme Audit Office from the audit at Slovenske Elektrarne.

No criminal prosecution has been initiated roughly three months after the head of the Supreme Audit Office (NKU) Karol Mitrik decided to transfer the findings of the audit at Slovenske Elektrarne for the assessment to the Prosecutor General’s Office. This audit is handled by the Special Prosecutor’s Office. A spokesman for the Office, Jana Tokolyova, informed the portal that the audit protocol is under assessment. „The Prosecutor of the Special Prosecutor’s Office and investigator are evaluating the protocol submitted by the Supreme Audit Office,“ said Tokolyova. The head of the Supreme Audit Office also turned to the the Financial Directorate with these results. „Questions cannot be answered in the respect to the tax secrecy,“ a spokeswoman for the Financial Directorate of the Slovakia Republic, Patricia Macikova, responded.

Full Story in Slovak: Kontrola NKÚ v elektrárňach zatiaľ bez trestného stíhania

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Firmy a inštitúcie NKÚ Najvyšší kontrolný úradNR SR Národná rada Slovenskej republikySE Slovenské elektrárne