NKU sends audit’s results at SE to Prosecutor's Office

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NKÚ Karol Mitrík
Nový predseda Najvyššieho kontrolného úradu SR Karol Mitrík počas slávnostného aktu odovzdania dekrétu novému predsedovi NKÚ. Bratislava, 21. máj 2015. SITA

Based on the decision made by the director of the Supreme Audit Office (NKU), the Financial Directorate of the Slovak Republic will also look into the observations from the audit at the power utility Slovenske Elektarne.

The results of the audit carried out by the Supreme Audit Office (NKU) at Slovenske Elektrarne will not be obtained only by the Parliament. „Based on crucial and important facts disclosed by the control group, the chairman of the Supreme Audit Office, Karol Mitrik, has further decided to transfer the audit’s results for the assessment to the General Prosecutor’s Office and the Financial Directorate of the Slovak Republic,“ Lukas Jasenec, from the communication and PR department at NKU, informed.

Full story in Slovak: NKÚ posiela výsledky kontroly z elektrární prokuratúre

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Firmy a inštitúcie EnelNKÚ Najvyšší kontrolný úradNR SR Národná rada Slovenskej republikySE Slovenské elektrárne