Minister unclear about the sale of Slovenske Elektarne

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Vazil Hudák
Novovymenovaný minister hospodárstva Vazil Hudák počas vymenovacieho aktu. SITA

According to the newly appointed Economy Minister Vazil Hudak, it is still questionable how the state will proceed with the sale of a 66-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne. Everything will depend on negotiations with Enel which are expected to be held by the end of June.

Even after the appointment of the new Economy Minister Vazil Hudak, the public has not learned the stance that the government will present during the talks with the Italian company Enel on the sale of Enel’s 66-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne. The new economy minister reiterated that completion of the third and fourth units at Mochovce NPP remains priority. „It is crucial to achieve conditions that will guarantee the completion of the third and fourth units at Mochovce NPP. At the same time we will take a look at how the state could strengthen its position in Slovenske Elektarne, because so far the state has only acted as an external observer of the situation inside. We will see how we can strengthen the state position after talks with Enel,“ Vazil Hudak said after his appointment to the post of economy minister.

Full story in Slovak: Minister zatiaľ nemá jasno, ako naloží s predajom elektrární

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Firmy a inštitúcie EnelMH Ministerstvo hospodárstva SRSE Slovenské elektrárne