Minister Hudak may start talks with Enel on option for SE

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Premiér Robert Fico Vazil Hudák
Predseda vláda Robert Fico a minister hospodárstva Vazil Hudák. SITA

According to Prime Minister Robert Fico, Economy Minister was entrusted to lead talks with Enel on an option for the state to a potential purchase of Enel’s 17-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne and on strengthening the state’s position in Slovenske Elektrarne.

Economy Minister Vazil Hudak has been given a mandate from the ruling cabinet to start negotiations with Italian company Enel on the memorandum which will provide the state with a guarantee of an option to purchase a 17-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne (SE) from Enel in the future. Prime Minister Robert Fico announced at the press conference following the cabinet’s session on Wednesday that there is no agreement on memorandum between the state and Enel yet. Italian Enel is currently in talks with the Czech company EPH on the sale of its 33-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne. The remaining 33-percent of shares will be sold after completion of the nuclear blocks in Mochovce. If Enel eventually decides to sell its remaining 33-percent stake as it currently declares, the state should have an option to purchase a 17-percent stake in SE for six months. Prime Minister states that the state would use this option after completing and launching Mochovce NPP. The state would thus become a 51-percent shareholder in SE.

Full story in Slovak: Minister Hudák môže začať rokovania s Enelom o opcii na SE

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Firmy a inštitúcie EnelSE Slovenské elektrárneVláda SR