Low electricity price affected SE’s results

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Slovenské elektrárne SE
Ilustračné foto SITA

Slovenske Elektrane generated 22,105 GWh of electricity in 2014 which is almost the same level as in 2013.

The power utility Slovenske Elektrarne, whose majority owner is Italian Group Enel, posted EBITDA of 510 million euros in 2014, down by 171 million euros, which is roughly 25 percent y/y. According to the company, the achieved EBITDA is the result of the combination of a significant decline in electricity prices on the market and their compensation by positive effects of the projects aimed at optimising the company and strong operating results. The year-over-year decline in EBITDA is affected by the release of reserves for disadvantageous contracts in 2013, which increases y/y difference. This stems from the published results. Slovenske Elektrane generated 22,105 GWh of electricity in 2014, which is almost the same level as in 2013.

Full story in Slovak: Hospodárenie elektrární ovplyvnila nízka cena elektriny

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Firmy a inštitúcie EnelSE Slovenské elektrárne