Limited support for electricity generation from renewables

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Economy Minister Peter Ziga says that it is necessary to consider restricting subsidies for the generation of „green“ electricity as the government wants to minimize their impact on electricity prices.

The economy ministry has been working on the changes to the Act on Support of Renewables and highly efficient combined heat and power. „We will review the support for electricity generation from renewables and combined heat and power. Our intention is to reduce, but completely remove subsidies for electricity generation from renewables,“ Economy Minister Peter Ziga told at the meeting of the Energy Commission at the Parliamentary Committee for Economic Affairs. Ziga is convinced that renewables must be part of the energy mix. „We will create conditions for an optimal use of the renewables to secure the Slovak Republic’s objectives arising from EU legislation,“ said Ziga. Slovakia will produce 14 % of the total energy from the green energy by 2020. In case of electricity, the share will be 24 %.

Full story in Slovak: Podporu obnoviteľných zdrojov pri výrobe elektriny chcú obmedziť

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