The life span of Novaky power plant is nearing its end

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Elektráreň Nováky
Areál závodu Elektrárne Nováky. Zdroj:

Tens of millions of euros would have to be invested in the power plant Novaky after 2023, Slovenske Elektrarne claims.

There has recently been a disagreement over the future of mining in Slovakia. On the one hand, the opposition parties and environmentalists call for an earlier termination of lignite mining in the Upper Nitra, on the other hand miners signed a petition to preserve it. In the petition, miners stated that the power plant in Novaky is able to generate electricity from their coal safely and reliably and in compliance with ecological norms even ten years after 2023. However, Slovenske Elektrarne which operates the power plant, disagrees with this statement. „We respect the citizens‘ right to express their opinions in a petition, however, we unambiguously reject statements that are removed from the context, incomplete, and give a false impression that nothing prevents from the operation of the power plant in Novaky after 2021, or 2023. The life span of several crucial parts of the Novaky power station is nearing its end and if this power plant was to continue operating also after 2023, tens of millions of euros would have to be invested in its modernization,“ a spokesman for Slovenske Elektrarne Miroslav Sarissky informed the portal

Full story in Slovak: Životnosť tepelnej elektrárne v Novákoch sa blíži ku koncu

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