Green electricity producers have a week to notify authority

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Panel solárny slnečný slnko elektrina OZE
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Producers of electricity from renewable energy sources or cogeneration must notify the Regulatory Office for Network Industries and the distribution company about the estimated amount of electricity supplies by August 15.

Green electricity producers are left with roughly a week to fulfill their statutory duty with the Regulatory Office for Network Industries (URSO) and the regional distribution company. If the producer of electricity generated from renewable energy sources (RES) and cogeneration and heat wants to receive the state support next year, he is obliged to notify the abovementioned office and his distributor about the estimated amount of electricity supplies next year.

Full story in Slovak: Výrobcovia zelenej elektriny už majú len týždeň

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Firmy a inštitúcie ÚRSO Úrad pre reguláciu sieťových odvetví