FICO: try to get back some share of power

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Robert Fico
Premiér Robert Fico SITA

Prime Minister Robert Fico has not given up its intention to purchase some shares of Slovenske Elektrarne from Italian Enel which put up its 66-percent stake for sale.

Prime Minister Robert Fico has not given up its intention to purchase some stake in Slovenske Elektrarne from Italian Enel that put up its 66-percent stake for sale. „We will try to regain some shares of Slovenske Elektrarne to strengthen the position of the Slovak Republic in the power utility, if it is possible,“ Fico announced during the Secure Energy Supplies Conference 2015 organized by the Federation of Employers‘ Associations in cooperation with the Slovak Nuclear Forum. The state-owned gas utility Slovensky Plynarensky Priemysel in cooperation with the consulting firm KPMG is currently working on analyses. They are expected to assess the state’s options to increase its 34-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne. It is not yet unknown when analyses are finished.

Full Story in Slovak: FICO: Pokúsime sa získať naspäť nejaký podiel elektrární

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