Fico: Slovakia lost 800 million euros in sale of SE

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Robert Fico NR SR
Premiér Robert Fico počas svojho vystúpenia v Národnej rade SR SITA

According to Prime Minister Robert Fico, the criminal prosecution for the offence of distortion of data of economic and trade records has already been initiated in this matter.

Slovakia allegedly lost about 800 million euros (around SKK 24 billion) in the privatization of a majority 66-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne which took place nine years ago, Prime Minister Robert Fico said during the debate on the report on privatization of the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne in the Parliament that was requested from the cabinet by MPs. Robert Fico informed that the criminal prosecution was initiated for the offence of distortion of data of economic and trade records already in July 2014.

Full story in Slovak: Fico: Pri predaji elektrární sme prišli o 800 miliónov eur

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