EU funds may be used for Gabcikovo power plant repairs

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Vodná elektráreň Gabčíkov
Pohľad na pravú a ľavú plavebnú komoru Vodného diela Gabčíkovo. SITA

The company Vodohospodarska Vystavba is currently in talks with the EC’s agency Innovation and Networks Executive Agency about a grant under CEF Energy Program.

The state has been operating the hydropower plant Gabcikovo via its company Vodohospodarska Vystavba for almost two years. The former government of Robert Fico took over the power plant from Slovenske Elektrarne whose then majority owner was Italian group Enel. One of the arguments used by government officials to back the termination of a 30-year tenancy contract was also alleged unwillingness of Slovenske Elektrarne to carry out the general overhaul of the Gabcikovo power plant which, in their opinion, was urgent. Two years later, Vodohospodarska Vystavba has not yet announced a tender for the general overhaul allegedly due to EU funds which the state company wants to use for these repairs.

Full story in Slovak: Gabčíkovskú elektráreň stále neopravujú. Chcú do nej naliať eurofondy.

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