Energy "fire and water" to meet in the cabinet

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Premiér Robert Fico koalícia Bugár Procházka Danko
Sprava: Predseda strany Smer-SD Robert Fico, predseda Slovenskej národnej strany Andrej Danko, predseda strany Most-Híd Béla Bugár a predseda strany Sieť Radoslav Procházka počas tlačovej besedy po treťom dni rokovaní trojčlenných delegácií strán Smer-SD, SNS, Most-Híd a Sieť o programových prioritách strán na Úrade vlády SR. SITA

Subsidies for coal mining and strict regulation of energy price are likely to remain. Two strongest parties of the future ruling coalition do not plan any changes in this field.

Slovakia is to have a new government soon. Four political parties have agreed to form a governing coalition. Before dividing chairs in the cabinet, Smer-SD, SNS, Most-Hid and Siet adopted programme priorities without giving energy sector too much space. The future cabinet was very brief, stating that it will „carefully use the regulatory framework for energy price stability. Among priorities is also a ban on privatization of strategic state assets. Before the elections, parties which are now forming the government, presented diametrically opposed opinions and attitudes on most energy topics. It is not very difficult to guess the direction of the Slovak energy in the coming years. Economy ministry will be run by a person from Smer-SD – the party which ruled and made decisions on energy issues alone for the past four years. According to SITA’s information, Peter Ziga, the current environment minister is to become the new economy minister.

Full story in Slovak: Vo vláde sa stretne energetický „oheň a voda“

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