Enel did not give up its plan to sell Slovenske Elektrarne

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Italian Enel is to present bids for a 66-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne no later than May 9.

The sale of the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne continues. Although Italian energy group Enel has already received a planned 4 billion euros for the reduction of its debt, it has not abandoned its plan to sell Slovenske Elektrarne. Enel’s CEO Francesco Starace says that binding bids will be presented as late as May 9. It is yet unclear what price Enel expects from the sale of the power plant. The company plans to receive 2 billion euros for the assets in Slovakia, America and Italy. According to Enel’s financial director Alberto De Paoli, this sum also include the net debt of Slovenske Elektrarne worth 600 million euros which will increase this year due to completion of nuclear blocks in Mochovce.

Full story in Slovak: Enel sa nevzdal myšlienky predať Slovenské elektrárne

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