Economy Ministry has reservations about Energy Union

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The ministry is concerned that the powers of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators will tighten at the expense of national regulators.

The economy ministry has several reservations about the forthcoming European legislation in the energy sector which is to set the basis for the new Energy Union. The ministry has reservations about the proposal submitted by the European Parliament and the Council which establishes the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators as well as proposal for a regulation on risk-preparedness in the electricity sector. The ministry is concerned that the powers of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators will tighten at the expense of national regulators. „We will propose and demand to maintain the powers of the EU Member States in their national regulatory bodies to the maximum. The Agency shall be provided only necessary, adequate and properly justified powers which will not interfere with the specificities of individual national markets and powers of the Member States, in particular in the areas related to safety operation and electricity supplies at the national level,“ the ministry stated.

Full story in Slovak: Slovenské ministerstvo pri zakladaní Energetickej únie nie so všetkým súhlasí

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