Dzurinda: Fico's accusations of SE’s sale are media circus

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Mikuláš Dzurinda
Nezradený poslanec Mikuláš Dzurinda SITA

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Robert Fico in his speech in connection with the report on the privatization of a majority 66-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne (SE) said that Slovakia had lost approximately 800 million euros in the sale of SE conducted by the second government of Mikulas Dzurinda.

On Thursday, MPs continued discussing the report on the privatization of a 66-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne (SE) for the second day. The report was requested from the government by the plenum. Prime Minister Robert Fico on Wednesday accused the second government led by Mikulas Dzurinda, during which a majority stake in Slovak dominant electricity producer was sold to Italian Enel, of causing a loss of about 800 million euros to Slovakia due to this sale. Non-affiliated MP Dzurinda considers Fico’s statements on the sale of Slovenske Elektrarne shabby and a huge lie.

Full story in Slovak: Dzurinda: Obvinenia Fica pri predaji SE sú cirkusom Humberto

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