Drought caused electricity generation drop 

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Slovenské elektrárne vodná elektráreň
Čierny Váh – elektráreň a dolná nádrž. seas.sk

Slovenske Elektrarne (SE), which holds has almost a 70-percent share on the electricity market, generated 18,368 GWh of electricity last year and delivered 16,778 GWh to the grid.

Electricity generation in Slovakia was reduced by drought last year. Slovenske Elektrarne (SE), which has almost a 70-percent share on the electricity market, generated 18,368 GWh of electricity last year and delivered 16,778 GWh to the grid. “Last year’s drought cased a 4.1-percent decline in electricity generation which reflected in a 4.4-percent decline in electricity supply,“ Slovak dominant electricity producer informed the portal vEnergetike.sk. The cumulative precipitation stood deeply below the long-term average in 2018. Hydroelectric power plants delivered only 1,275 GWh of electricity to the grid, down by 21.3 percent year-on-year.

Full story in Slovak: Sucho skrížilo elektrárňam plány. Vyrobili menej elektriny.

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Firmy a inštitúcie SE Slovenské elektrárne