Disclosure of audit at Slovenske Elektrarne not in plan

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Najvyšší kontrolný úrad SR SITA

According to the Supreme Audit Office, the case is still alive. New MPs can also study the protocol on findings of the audit at Slovenske Elektrarne.

Former members of the Parliament could start studying the findings of the audit at Slovenske Elektrarne carried out by the Supreme Audit Office (NKU) back in autumn 2015. New MPs, elected in the Parliamentary elections held in March 2016, may also look into this protocol with the approval from the Parliament’s Speaker. According to the head of the Office, Karol Mitrik, they may find such serious findings that they have to be tackled by the General Prosecutor’s Office and the Financial Directorate. Roughly eight months after MPs could study the findings of the audit, the public is still excluded. The Parliament does not plan to publish the protocol with the findings of the audit at Slovak dominant electricity producer. „The audit was led in the regime reserved. Publishing the findings to the public is in power of the Office, but the Parliament,“ said the communication department. According to the Office, disclosing protocol to the public is not topical. According to the spokeswoman for the Office, Daniela Bolech Dobakova, the case is still alive.

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Firmy a inštitúcie NKÚ Najvyšší kontrolný úradNR SR Národná rada Slovenskej republikySE Slovenské elektrárne