Support for small RES swallowed over 8 million euros

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Slnečná energia solárny panel kolektor OZE
Ilustračné foto. (ChNPP)

Slovak households have installed more than 3,800 small heating and power plants thanks to the subsidy scheme.

As many as 14,800 Slovak households have already expressed interest in a state subsidy for the purchase and installation of a small-scale renewable energy source (RES). The Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency (SIEA) kicked off the project called Green to Households in December 2015. Five rounds of vouchers for the purchase and installation of a small green heating and power plants have already been announced. The agency informed that vouchers in the value of more than 8 million euros had already been reimbursed, helping the installation of over 3,800 devices. Another 3,000 vouchers can be used until the end of March 2017. Businesses may apply for a subsidy for energy audits and also the measures resulting from them, or a subsidy for the reconstruction of central heating distribution.

Full story in Slovak: Na podporu malých OZE už išlo vyše osem miliónov

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Firmy a inštitúcie SIEA Slovenská inovačná a energetická agentúra