Police still investigate former head of Regulatory Office

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SITA Bývalý šéf ÚRSO Jozef Holjenčík

A spokesman for the Police Presidium, Martin Waldl, informed that two criminal complaints had been filed in connection with the former head of the Regulatory Office for Network Industries Jozef Holjencik.
The police are still investigating the information concerning the former head of the Regulatory Office for Network Industries Jozef Holjencik. A spokesman for the Police Presidium, Martin Waldl, informed that two criminal complaints had been lodged in connection with his person. Both are related to the suspicion that he abused the power of public authority. One of these complaints was dismissed on April 6. However, a notifier filed a complaint. The supervising prosecutor will make a final decision. A final decision has not yet been announced in case of the second complaint since the decision must yet be supplemented, explained Martin Waldl.

Full story in Slovak: Polícia stále preveruje bývalého šéfa regulačného úradu

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Firmy a inštitúcie ÚRSO Úrad pre reguláciu sieťových odvetví